Early Retirement Tracker – May 2018

We’re finally making some progress again, this was welcome news when I went to calculate all of this in May. This was to be expected based on the net worth increase in April, but it’s always nice when the numbers are able to confirm it. The temporary lower expenses may have boosted my retirement estimation target the past few months, but now I know that my net worth will be the contributing factor.

A reminder of the three ways I will tracking my progress:

  1. The first way will actually be with a simple excel calculator that I made. I’ll plug in my current monthly expenses, savings rate, and net worth. And the calculator will say just how long I have until retirement. Maybe it will say that I can retire tomorrow?
  2. The second way I’ll be calculating this is through an equation and the help of Wolfram Alpha.
  3. The third and final way I’ll be calculating my early retirement date is with the help of Mad Fientist Laboratory. I’ll input expenses, savings, and net worth and let his calculations do the rest of the work.

Retirement estimation based on 4% market growth:

Retirement estimation based on 7% market growth:

As you can see from the above charts, I continue to make progress in the right direction. With 7% growth, I’m hitting 11 years until retirement with my excel calculation and I’ve managed to stay under 12 years when taking the average!

Retirement estimation if I never save another dollar:

Here is where you see a nice big increase, with the date being stuck at 2053 for the past three months. Since this is heavily weighted on actual net worth and not savings rate, this is where I had a nice big decrease, shaving off half of an entire year – or 6 months.

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