It’s that time of the week once again…let’s see how I did! My weekly spending for this week consists of the following:
Sunday 5/26:
Propane – $6
Camping Stove Hose – $20
Monday 5/27:
Tuesday 5/28:
Wednesday 5/29:
Thursday 5/30:
Gas – $20
Friday 5/31:
Lunch – $10
Saturday 6/01:
Total Week Spending: $62
This week did not include any car problems, which is always a good thing after the week I had last week. I also did not make any major purchases and tried to keep my spending to a minimum. I made another purpose for my camping trip that is coming up, buying some propane for the camping stove for $6.
When I went to test the stove, I realized that the shut off valve wasn’t really working. I tried some WD40, but that didn’t solve the problem. The hose and stove functioned fine other than that, but I figured it might be leaking propane while using it – or I’d forget to unscrew the little tank and the next day would be out of propane. I decided the best idea was to just buy the new hose, which cost $20. If you are going camping, it’s always important to check your gear before you leave!
I also filled up my gas tank on Thursday, which once again ran me $20. On Friday we went out for a co-workers birthday. I picked a relatively cheap item on the menu for $10, and just got water to go with it. I’d rather just bring lunch everyday, but it doesn’t really bother me if this only happens once or twice a month. At least I could save my leftovers until today and didn’t have to get anything ready on Sunday night.
Photo Credits for this post: freeimageslive / baronsboy
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