I personally believe the biggest thing that needs to be done about student loans is education about what exact these student loans mean for your life after college. I personally had no idea the extent the amount of debt I was piling up while at school or how exactly it
Continue readingFrugal Tips: If you have to go out to eat!
Today I’ll be continuing my weekly spending posts as a summary to keep tracking of my extra spending. My weekly spending for this week consists of the following: I know, I know – you are probably reading the title and right away you are thinking that nobody HAS to go
Continue readingWeekly Spending – 4/28/13 – 5/04/13
Today I’ll be continuing my weekly spending posts as a summary to keep tracking of my extra spending. My weekly spending for this week consists of the following: Sunday 4/28:None Monday 4/29:Gas – $10 Tuesday 4/30:None Wednesday 5/01:None Thursday 5/02:Lunch – $11 Friday 5/03:None Saturday 5/04:None Total Week Spending: $21
Continue readingFrugal Tips: Carpooling
It seems that one of the main things I read on personal finance and blogs dealing with frugality and saving money to tell you ditch the car when it comes to commuting. You move as close to possible to work and then use a bicycle or walk to commute. I
Continue readingUnbury Me!
Now I don’t know if you are like me – but if you read my first post you’d know that I hated the thought of student loans. I didn’t want to look at them, I didn’t want to acknowledge them, I just wanted them to go away and pretend they
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