So to say this was a rough month would be a bit of an understatement. There were planned vacation expenses which I had accounted for, but I also had to deal with unplanned medical and vetinary expenses. Everything turned out fine, but it added up on the expenses side of things. I expect it to hit my cash accounts next month too as well, as the credit card bills come due. The market also doubled down and created a double whammy for me.
September Liquid Net Worth:

As I stated before, it was a very tough month for me. No real positives here to talk about.
September Total Net Worth:
A $15,000 decrease in net worth and it happens again in September. Last year I had a $20,000 decrease, so maybe I should just start avoiding September?
So let’s see how far my assets would take me at this point. I will calculate that using my average spending over the last 12 months. I’ll multiply that result by 12 months to get the total spending for the year, and then divide my liquid net worth by that amount. That’s how long I’d be able to live off my savings at that point in time.
$3995 average spending last 12 Months * 12 Months = $47,940 spending in a year
$348,510 net worth / $47,940 spending per year = 7.3 years’ worth of spending

Photo by shayd johnson on Unsplash
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