I have finally paid my student loans off completely, and it feels amazing! I logged in and the balance was at zero after my last payment. Zero. ZERO!!! I remember the nervous breakdown I had after paying my loans for a few month. How am I ever going to be
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Student Loan Progress – March 2016
This was a huge month towards my debt repayment and completely paying off my student loans for good. If you’ve ever heard of the phrase “March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb” when referring to the weather, I’d like to think that I’ve done the
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I’ve made my second payment towards my student loan for 2016, and progress continues to be steady. I’m still pushing towards my goal to be student debt free by May of this year, and I’m still on track towards that goal. So far the winter has helped me keep my
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I have officially entered the 4th year of student loan repayment, and I must tell you that the start of each year I have felt more and more confident about finally paying them off for good. I’ve been able to refinance my loans multiple times and ramp up payments whenever
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It’s time for the final progress update for 2015, and most likely also my final post of 2015. It’s been an interesting year in my debt repayment journey. I initially planned on moving out sometime this year so I had set a much lower goal, but then changed that. Shortly
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